You know your customers hate downloading PDFs but how can you turn your PDF brochures and catalogs into HTML content? It’s a frustrating problem. It’s overwhelming. There are solutions out there, but you need to be some sort of technical wizard to use them. Or else they are too expensive or too unreliable and buggy. That all changed when I found the free flipbook creator software Yumpu.
How I increased my sales using a digital flipbook software
Once, I was like you…
…I had a stack of beautifully crafted PDF brochures for my business. But my analytics were saying no one was downloading them. I had no idea how to get my customers to click on that download button.
It seemed they were just navigating away empty-handed.
You are probably wondering:
“How do I create compelling brochures/magazines and increase the rate of people reading my magazine / brochure?”
Well, this is when I learned about this free flip book creator from Yumpu.
I can easily create flippable PDF files that anyone can read on any device – Android phone, iPhone, iPad, Mac, Windows – whatever!
Now I have a professional solution that I can do myself. It’s done in no time, easy and fun to create the flash flipping book and it’s free – gratis – no coupon required – which is a price my bank balance likes!
Now my analytics are saying customers are staying on my page for longer and reading my brochure. And I can see the results in the number of enquires and sales I’m getting already.
What is a online flipbook?
An online flipbook or flipping book is an online interactive format for presenting traditional print documents like books, magazines, brochures, catalogs etc., in web and on a variety of mobile devices.

Online flip books can be created and read on different devices (Mac, Windows PC, tablet, mobile phone)
This format makes digital issues resemble paper ones using a 3d page turning effect and helps drive more attention and engagement to the content.
So basically, flipbook creater tools are the platforms which are used to make online flipbooks with flip pages.
So what is a flipbook creator?
A digital flipbook creator is an online or offline flipbook creator tool to create HTML5 flipbooks online from scratch or convert from PDF file or images to stylish and attractive flip books.
A publication made with the help of a professional flipbook creator online will look good on any electronic device whether that’s a desktop computer, iPad, iPhone, or Android tablet/smartphone. The flip books do not only look good on any device, but you can also make flipbooks using a online flipbook creator for iPad.
Moreover, if you embed the flipbook into your website, it will help you avoid media-break between the website and the document that your readers may experience when you use PDF files.
Choosing a solution that supports many different devices will make your magazine portable and accessible to all your customers, however they access your web page.
It will give your customers a wonderful reading experience .
Who offers a flipbook maker?
There are several ways to create a page flipping ebook, and many use jQuery/HTML5/CSS which are industry standard. Most of the pdf flip book maker also work on ipad.
So, what’s the best flipbook creator software?
Weighing up the pros and cons Yumpu flipbook creator was the best I found. |
I looked at lots of flip page creatir suppliers, and it wasn’t the 1st I found, but most were too expensive or too complicated.
This flipping book software has great reviews and, being online, even works with Linux.
The digital flipbook creator helped me make a great viewing experience for my flipbook.
I don’t need special programming skills to create and put online professional-looking publications with great engaging potential.
Here are benefits of using a flip magazine format:
You may be wondering:
How do I make a flipbook online for free?
1. Go to the website of the free flipbook creator.

Website of the flipbook converter
2. Click “Start Upload” to convert PDF to page flip magazine by simply uploading your PDF file to the converter or drag and drop your PDF file to the converter.

Upload or drag and drop PDF to the converter
3. Make a FREE account.

Sign up for free or login
4. View flipbook by clicking on your magazine to read your interactive online publication or use the Page Editor to make any changes.

View and edit magazine
5. Publish and share flip book via social networks (Facebook, Twitter & Co.) by using the embed code. You can also create templates for your own embeds!

Use the embed code to share your magazine
It is that easy to make an interactive PDF to flash book!
Examples of already created magazines can be found on the web page of the software.
How to convert PDF to an online flipbook?
Once you upload a file, it happens automatically!
Just wait a few minutes for the software to work its magic.
The output?
A stunning flip magazine!
You can probably get a flipping page catalog on your page in less time than it takes to make a cup of coffee.
How to publish a flip book online?
Convert PDF to flipbook and once your PDF page is uploaded you can publish online and share it on your social networks with just a few clicks.
If you have a webpage, you can copy and paste the embedding code to instantly add a flipping ebook to your site.
Even WordPress websites can use page flipping books. Any site that uses HTML5 can support your flipbook.
Once your flash HTML5 flipbook is created, it is stored safely in the cloud meaning it’s accessible anywhere on Earth.
Download free the magazine to your device if you want to keep it local.
Get all these flip book features for freeWant to know the best part? The HTML5 flip book creator has tons of great feature to choose from, so you can make your free page flip ebook your own.
Or take the free trial of the advanced features to see what else the flip magazine maker can do
Boosting sales is all about knowing what your customers are doing on your website.
One of the pro features is the Google Analytics integration so you can monitor what they are looking at.
Getting to your customers wherever they are is also important, so the paid plans also offer you the possibility of distributing your flash page flip book via an app.
Provide your website with free pdf flash flipbook technology without the softwares branding.
Your very one webkiosk can be hosted under a white label agreement, so you can make it truly yours but still take advantage of all the fantastic feature flip book maker free offers.
The WEBKiosk
Do you have a publication you want to sell?
A paid subscription to a flipbook creator plan will allow you to manage subscriptions and charge for premium publications.
You can manage your users and they can buy your content right from within their flipbook app.
Don’t be stuck trying to monetise your site with adverts – go out there and sell to your audience more easily than ever before.
Types of digital publications
Following are few online or digital types of publications, which can be created by PDF flipbook creator tools.
Online catalog
A great opportunity for sellers to attract more interest to their goods and as a result create more leads and revenues with the help of the text / information that they already have.
The best flipbook software helps to create different kind of page turning PDF online catalogs. For fashion, interior and luxury catalogues it creates a great online viewing experience.
Catalogues drive more attention and have interactivity with E-commerce elements that give shoppers what they want – positive emotions and lots of fun.
Online magazines
Digital publication / online magazine is a huge trend that isn’t going away anytime soon.
As more and more publishers want to give their readers a digital version of the magazines, they face numerous difficulties. The protection of your publication is one of the issues, along with a way to bring the magazine to both desktop browsers and mobile devices (tablet, iPhone and Android devices).
Authors love them because it gets them exposure so publishers are looking for solutions to the publication protection issues through the use of page flip book magazines which can ring-fence the magazine and keep it safe from scraping.
Online presentations
Flipbook creator lets you show your documents to people no matter what computer (Mac, Windows, Linux) or mobile phone they use.
The documents created using the flip book software will look neat, open fast and can be viewed in any browser on the spot, without the help of third-party apps or readers.
Online photo albums
The online flipbook creator is a great and easy tool for photographers, designers, and make-up artists who want to make professional-looking portfolios and share them online manual.
You don’t need to be tech-savvy, just design a PDF and you will be able to convert PDF files into an online digital album in minutes.
Why ship your product with a bulky paper manual that will probably never get read?
A flipbook manual can be referenced whenever your customer needs it and can offer search and indexing abilities that are simply impossible on paper.
Digital Bookshelves
Flipbook creator lets you create bookshelves to conveniently and effectively present and distribute collections of digital publications.
What are you waiting for?
I thought how nice it would be to have a HTML5 flip book on my site.
PDFs weren’t ideal as my customers needed to download Adobe Acrobat first and probably wouldn’t bother. But I was put off because I thought it would be difficult to do.
I thought I’d need to learn InDesign skills; that I’d have to add pages manually and wouldn’t be able to embed audio and video files.
When I looked at some solutions, either they needed me to install software, create the flash HTML5 flipbook then upload it to my site or they didn’t have an ad free option.
I don’t want someone else stealing my customers!
Finding Yumpu was the best thing that’s happened to my sales tactics and it can be used easily plus its free!
Customers are finding my site, browsing my flip ebooks / brochures and buying my products.
You can start to create your own stunning free flip book right now – for free.
So, seriously, what are you waiting for?
The best flipbook creator I’ve tried is Issuu. I like it and I got used to it but since Yumpu is free, I will give it a go. I mean, why not?
Let us knows how it goes, Maya.
I’ve only heard about the term flipbook creator a few days ago. I wasn’t aware this even existed not to mention that I could create magazine like books that look nice and I could give my visitors. Thanks for trying to explain things so that beginners like me can understand what this is.
No problem, Diane. Glad to be of help. If there’s anything else I can help you with just let me know.
Thanks Abel. I wonder what effects you usually use to prettify your magazines?
I would highly recommend you start out with the 3d page turn effect. This is easy to do and it will make your flipbook look more interesting. It works very well for me. Then just play around with different effects and see what feels right for your niche.
Will do that, thanks. I am looking forward to learn how to work with Yumpu and create my first magazine. Wish me luck :)!
@Diane – Good luck, Diane. This flipbook creator is great for beginners so you should have your first magazine ready to go in 1-2 minutes depending on the number of pages. Simply use a PDF or a couple of PDF files to create your flipbook!
Yeah, Using Yumpu or any other similar digital flipbook creator and starting from page 1 is the best. They let you transform your existing PDF into a stunning flipbook.
This really answered my drawback, thank you!
I’ve tried e-page Creator and it was quite ok but once I heard about Yumpu I haven’t used anything else. This flipbook creator software is the best free and paid tool there is on the market right now. They’ve created a real beast here and anyone should at least take a look at it.
e-page Creator is ok but you have to pay for it since there is no free version as with Yumpu, it’s all free. Plus you can use Yumpu to market your creation and this alone is worth thousands of dollars.